Peter Broderick & David Allred pres. "Hey Stranger" in esclusiva per, il nuovo brano tratto da "Find The Ways". ll video di “The Ways'. Tour italiano a giugno

Peter Broderick & David Allred pres.

Peter Broderick & David Allred presenano il video di "Hey Stranger", il nuovo brano tratto da "Find The Ways", in uscita il 7/4 per Erased Tapes. Le date di Peter Broderick & David Allred Tour Italiano: 09 giugno, Roma, Blackmarket, Unplugged in Monti; 10 giugno, Bassano del Grappa (VI), Piazza di Brenta; 11 giugno, Galzignano (PD), Anfiteatro del Venda 


Peter Broderick & David Allred

presentano “Hey Stranger” 

il nuovo brano tratto da “Find The Ways”, il disco nato dalla collaborazione tra Broderick ed Allred in uscita il 7 aprile per Erased Tapes Records
Ascolta e condividi “Hey Stranger” in anteprima per 

La traccia “Hey Stranger” è stata scritta da Allred ed è dedicata ad un caro amico scomparso anni fa
"’Hey Stranger’ is about an old friend that I will refer to as J, who disappeared about 5 years ago” Allred explains. “J was a close friend throughout most of my life but was also one of the most perplexing individuals I've ever known. He had a very off-beat relationship with his family and most friends due to his intense personality which inevitably deteriorated his relationship with almost everyone he crossed paths with. J would also occasionally get into trouble with the law and was very often misunderstood. He has no online presence or any clear existing indication that he's still out there in the world which is the most unsettling feeling for me, but for some reason over the past year I have been getting the idea that J will pop up on the street at any moment when I least expect it and I can't quite articulate why I feel this might happen all the sudden or what I would say if that was ever the case. Despite my last few interactions with J being quite challenging and dramatic, I still often appreciate his overall influence on me. He was a very unique character in my life and incredibly intelligent beyond his years, and heavily influential on who I am today. Of all the people that have come and gone in my life, the memories I have of J somehow stuck with me more than most of the other people that I'm no longer in touch with even if my relationship with them was more stable. J's lasting yet perplexing impact on me has recently been growing more prevalent in my life even though I mostly felt the complete opposite when he was actually a part of my life. I felt a strong prompting to write this song in an attempt to make peace with this unresolved situation."
Registrato nello studio di Broderick ad Oregon (The Sparkle), “Find The Ways” vuole essere il più minimal possibile. Voce, violino  ed un paio di linee di basso sono l’unica struttura sulla quale si basa questa collaborazione coronata da un’amicizia di lunga data tra i due musicisti
“Find The Ways” è anticipato dal brano “The Ways”, il cui video, girato da Robert Raths (fondatore della Erased Tapes Records), vede la partecipazione di Rick Rubin, Olafur Arnalds, Nils Frahm, Cillian Murphy ed altri artisti nel roster della rinomata etichetta neo-classica; guarda il video di “The Ways”, qui sotto
Album pre-order link:

Peter Broderick & David Allred Tour Italiano

9 giugno, Roma, Blackmarket, Unplugged in Monti
10 giugno, Bassano del Grappa (VI), Piazza di Brenta
11 giugno, Galzignano (PD), Anfiteatro del Venda 
info tour:



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