In uscita giovedì 10 luglio Tied To The Moon’, il nuovo album di Rachel Sermanni!

In uscita giovedì 10 luglio Tied To The Moon’, il nuovo album di Rachel Sermanni!

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Tied To The Moon

Arriverà il 10 luglio 'Tied To The Moon', il nuovo album di Rachel Sermanni, giovane songwriter della scena folk britannica.

Concepito in solitudine durante un breve soggiorno a casa di Old Man Luedecke, star canadese del banjo e due volte vincitore dei Juno Awards, il secondo lavoro delll'incantevole balladeer scozzese parla di infanzia, femminilità, istinto ed inibizione, con un approccio che ricorda classici di PJ Harvey, Tom Waits e Joni Mitchell.

Anticipato dal singolo 'Tractor' e registrato nelle Highlands insieme a Colin Macleod (The Boy Who Trapped The Sun), che si esibisce anche nello splendido duetto di 'Banks are Broken', 'Tied To The Moon' mostra un'artista più matura, con sfumature dark nei testi e con una nuova attitudine che l'ha portata in territori più rock.

Figlia di un italiano originario di Barga, lo stesso paese toscano da cui proviene Paolo Nutini, Rachel Sermanni è una ventitreenne atipica, cresciuta in mezzo alla natura dei boschi ed ascoltando i dischi di Eva Cassidy, Simon & Garfunkel e Nick Drake. Giovanissima, è già una veterana del circuito dei live, con innumerevoli performance nei concerti di Elvis Costello, Mumford & Sons, John Grant, Ron Sexsmith, The Staves, Rumer e Fink, tra i tanti.

In attesa del tour italiano del prossimo autunno, Rachel sarà impegnata il 31 luglio ad Aviemore per Gentlemen of the Road Stopover, la rassegna itinerante ideata dai Mumford & Sons, in line up con i Primal Scream, The Maccabees e Ben Howard, mentre invece il giorno dopo si esibirà al londinese Royal Festival Hall, da supporto ai Punch Brothers.

New album – ‘Tied To The Moon’

Released via Middle Of Nowhere Recordings 

‘Confident, enchanting and ballsy’ – Q Magazine


Folk-Noir balladeer Rachel Sermanni is returning with the release of her new studio album, ‘Tied To The Moon’, via Middle Of Nowhere Recordings on July X. Tied To The Moon is her second full studio album following 2012’s debut, ‘Under Mountains’.

'Tied To The Moo'n was conceived in March 2014, in an apartment above a pottery studio deep in the sticks of Nova Scotia. The apartment belonged to two-time Juno Award winner Old Man Luedecke and offered Rachel four days of complete stillness with no means to communicate with the outside world. Bookended by her routine of going for a morning run in the surrounding ten acre forest and silent afternoons of coffee and pistachios, Rachel would sit, in total solitude; writing; reading; playing music. In the space of these four days she unintentionally wrote six songs - four that would later become the core of Tied To The Moon: ‘Tractor’, ‘This Love’, ‘Banks Are Broken’ and ‘Old Lady's Lament’.

In total, Tied To The Moon features ten new songs that channel spirits of all ages and archetypes, weaving images of childhood and womanhood, of instinct and inhibition. An indefinable mix of songs, Sermanni’s creations have grown, twisted and turned since those four days in the Novia Scotia solitude to reach a fully-formed stage reminiscent of classics such as PJ Harvey, Tom Waits and Joni Mitchell. To achieve this, she enlisted the help of Colin Macleod (recording and production), Jennifer Austin (piano, organ and backing vocals), Gordon Skene (bass and cello) and Louis Linklater (drums) and tracked all takes, live, in Colin’s living room in the Scottish Highlands.

Rachel, age 23, has toured extensively across the world since 2011, making her a young veteran on the gig circuit. In the past four years she has toured across her native Scotland and the UK numerous times, whilst appearing in Canada, USA, Australia, Iceland and across Europe, as well as sharing the stage with names including John Grant, The Staves, Stornoway, Rumer, Mumford and Sons, Ron Sexsmith and Elvis Costello. 

Rachel Sermanni has an impressive musical and professional resume, a swath of EP's recorded all over the world, and now two full length studio albums in addition to last year’s live album that was recorded at Dawson City Music Festival. Sermanni's newest release though, Tied To The Moon, was recorded in the Highlands and sees Rachel digging deeper than ever and offering a darker and more rhythmic flavour of poetry and music.


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